Mrs. Mthembu

Mrs Mthembu’s* house was hit by a severe hailstorm. The hail was as big as chicken eggs. It broke gutters and 7 aluminium windows. Our customer and her 3 month old granddaughter were in the house at the time. They were very scared. Windows were shattering around them. Magical Moments sent the family a care voucher.

Thank you very much! 😍 I don't have words.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… It brings joy and happiness to the family @large.❀️❀️❀️

My smile is back!😍😍😍

Thank you once more iWYZE. Thanks once more my loving sister. I will always appreciate you. 😍 I bought groceries with my voucher.❀️❀️

Mrs Mthembu*