This post was published on 28 March, 2017

Applicants must ensure they provide the correct information to the insurer at the time of taking out the insurance. The insurer trusts the information the applicants supply as accurate and calculates their premium based on this information. It improves the chances of settling a claim efficiently and swiftly when the insured discloses all the relevant and correct information when taking out the insurance policy.

Specific information to bear in mind when taking out your policy:

  • Vehicle use: it is important to disclose the correct use of the vehicle – whether it is for private, occasional business or full business use.
  • Regular driver: this is the person who uses the car regularly more than anyone else (this could impact your premium as well as during a claim settlement).
  • Correct vehicle model: this is imperative as it allows for accurate premium calculation.
  • Claims in the last 5 years: this gives insight into your insurance history to allow your insurer to calculate the correct premium for your assets.
  • Previous insurance years: often when taking out insurance you will be asked for the insurance history or the number of years you’ve had uninterrupted insurance. This information is used to calculate premiums accordingly (high insurance years with no claims is one of the factors that might attract a lower premium).

Terms and conditions apply. Please note that the content displayed on this site is for information purposes only and does not replace our policies’ terms and conditions. The policy wording supersedes any marketing material. Any claim will be considered against the terms and conditions that apply at the time of claim and as set out in out customers’ policy documentation.