This post was published on 10 March, 2017

Insurance claims made easy

Browse our tools and resources below for more on iWYZE insurance claims and settlements, and make sure you always have the financial support you need to weather life’s storms.

  • What to do after a car accident
    Whether a vehicle collision is your fault or not, the moments following an incident can be stressful and confusing, often causing us to forget vital information. Take a look at what you need to know about making car insurance claims following an accident, and use our handy checklist to ensure you gather all the information needed for a speedy claims settlement.
  • The iWYZE website
    Visit the iWYZE website for free today and not only will you have access to vital road and home emergency services, you’ll also be able to submit your car or home insurance claims online.
  • Claims
    Need to make a home or car insurance claim? Find out everything you need to know about the iWYZE claims process, from initial notification and submission through to final settlement.

Find more guides, online calculators, apps and information on insurance in our tips and tools section, designed to inform and empower you.

Terms and conditions apply. Please note that the content displayed on this site is for information purposes only and does not replace our policies’ terms and conditions. The policy wording supersedes any marketing material. Any claim will be considered against the terms and conditions that apply at the time of claim and as set out in out customers’ policy documentation.