This post was published on 19 December, 2016

During October, there were several violent student protests. Unfortunately, during the clashes between the students and the police, a number of  vehicles were severely damaged. These incidents have raised serious questions with regards to insurance claims and what cover individuals have when their vehicles or property are damaged during a strike or protest.

SASRIA is a short-term insurance option which covers people against damage caused during riots or public disorder. Some insurance companies offer SASRIA as an addition, but with iWYZE it is automatically included in the client’s insurance.

Cover included with SASRIA Limited Insurance:

  • Cover for accidental or deliberate damage done to your personal property by individuals or a crowd who are taking part in a strike, riot or protest.
  • Cover for deliberate or accidental damage caused by an individual or a group who are involved in a political or social protest, aimed to induce fear among the public or overthrow/influence any sector of the government.

Cover not included with SASRIA Limited Insurance:

  • Loss or damage which is consequential or not directly related to the above-mentioned events.
  • You will not be compensated if your property is confiscated lawfully by the relevant authorities.
  • Loss or damage as a result of theft or looting, unless it involves a protest, riot or strike.

Lodging a claim with SASRIA

In order to claim through SASRIA Limited, the incident must be reported as soon as possible to the South African Police. You must then inform iWYZE about the claim and we will send it to SASRIA. If the claim is approved by SASRIA Limited, they will send payment to iWYZE who will then in turn ensure that the payment is made to you.

Contact iWYZE for a quote

For additional information on SASRIA cover, or for a FREE quote from iWYZE , contact 0860 63 33 39.

Image credit: SASRIA

Terms and conditions apply. Please note that the content displayed on this site is for information purposes only and does not replace our policies’ terms and conditions. The policy wording supersedes any marketing material. Any claim will be considered against the terms and conditions that apply at the time of claim and as set out in out customers’ policy documentation.