This post was published on 09 June, 2022

South African drivers have been paying more for petrol on their cars, thanks to the consistent petrol price hikes. Looks like this will be our life for some time so we need to brace ourselves. Below are some tips to help ease the financial burden that comes with high petrol costs:

  • Check your driving behaviour

Don’t be an aggressive driver, behaviours such as rapid acceleration, speeding and braking do end up lowering your fuel. Try accelerating smoothly, braking softer and earlier, and stay in one lane while it’s safe to do so.  These driving techniques do not only save fuel, but they also prolong the life of your brakes and tyres plus good driving behaviour could also reduce your car insurance premium.

  • Heavy weight must be reduced

If your car is carrying a heavy load, your engine has to work hard to keep it moving and that results in high fuel consumption. Avoid traveling with unnecessary weight in your boot.

  • Keep your air conditioner off when your car heater is on

Most car engines can heat the car without requiring the air conditioning to be turned on. Just by doing this, you will use less fuel.

  • Instead of using aircon, open your windows

Although we’re in winter, we still get a bit of sun during the day and might need to cool off. Instead of using the aircon, rather open your windows when driving at low speeds. If you are driving at high speeds, opening your windows does the adverse and an air conditioner will likely end up consuming less fuel.

  • Monitor your tyre pressure

Your car’s tyre pressure can change over time due to various factors, including temperature. If your tyres are not adequately inflated, they occupy a larger space on the road thus increasing fuel consumption.

Pump your tyres regularly according to your car manufacturer’s recommendations, you can get this information on the inside of your door or in the car manual.

  • Plan your trips in advance

You’d be amazed at how planning your trips can assist in saving you fuel.  If you must travel to multiple destinations on a single day, work out the shortest routes to minimise travel distance. Driving in heavy stop-start traffic is going to consume a lot of fuel. If you can, avoid the rush hours and you will see how much you can save on fuel.

  • Service your car

Servicing your car when you’re supposed to, will help ensure that your oil and air filters are changed as required, tyre pressure is correct, and worn spark plugs are replaced, among other fuel saving things. Did you know that worn spark plugs can increase fuel consumption by up to a whopping 30%?

  • Start up the car properly

Newer model cars do not require you to prime the engine by pumping the accelerator pedal repeatedly before starting. Doing this wastes fuel, so avoid doing it. When starting the engine, do not idle for more than 30 seconds. An engine will warm up faster on the road. However, avoid sudden acceleration before the engine has warmed up sufficiently.

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