This post was published on 19 August, 2022

It is especially important for small business owners to carefully consider and evaluate their business insurance needs because they may have more personal financial exposure in the event of a loss. Business Insurance will help you recover from cost associated with damage or loss that you would have otherwise had to pay for from your own pocket.

Because your business is unique, look for insurance cover that caters for that. More than protecting yourself and the business, having insurance also helps you protect others, like your clients, employees and stakeholders. 

How to find Business Insurance

Just by doing a quick online search, you can find business insurance. It is important to also ask around and if you have a relationship with other business owners ask them who they’re insured with and the level of cover they have.

Types of Business Insurance

  • Business Car Insurance
    This is cover for you’re the car you use for your business, one of the most valuable assets o your business. The car might be what you use to connect to your clients or deliver your products in. Getting insurance will give you the much-needed peace of mind knowing your car is covered.
  • Business Premises Insurance
    This is cover for the actual business premises, where you run your business from. Life is unpredictable, anything can happen to the structure. Having insurance will protect your business premises for any structural damages that you would have to pay for if you are not insured
  • Business Contents Insurance
    Insuring your business contents means that you are protected from things like burglaries, theft and damage to your contents. This could be technology like computers and laptops, equipment used for manufacturing products etc. Imagine the stress it would cause having to replace all of these from your own pockets if you’re not insured?

Old Mutual iWYZE Business Insurance is the insurance partner you need to cover your business. We know what your business means to you, trust us to give you cover that’s suitable for your business’ unique needs.

Put us to test and we’re so confident we will pass with flying colours, get a quote NOW, visit


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