This post was published on 15 January, 2016

Having an insurance problem? The Ombudsman may have the solution.

At Old Mutual iWYZE, we have one priority – you, the customer. That’s why we offer you a range of built-in and optional benefits with your car, home and Household Contents insurance policies. That’s why we offer you free rewards, access to emergency services, and cash back. And that’s why we ensure our claims and settlement processes are as easy, stress-free, and efficient as possible. Because the more we can do to add value to your life, the better.

Occasionally, however, you may find yourself with an issue that our customer service team is unable to help you resolve. Perhaps a claim of yours has been rejected. Maybe you feel you haven’t been adequately compensated. Or possibly you’ve been dissatisfied with repairs to your vehicle or home. In these or other cases, you have the option of escalating your query to the Ombudsman for Short-Term insurance – a mediator or informal arbitrator whose task it is to help you resolve any disputes you may have with your short-term insurer.

How to take your insurance complaint to the Ombudsman

As an iWYZE insurance policyholder, you are free to contact the Ombudsman for assistance with disputes relating to:

In order to take your dispute to the Ombudsman, you will first need to:

  • Inform your insurance company in writing of your complaint. Make sure that the facts are set out clearly and logically.
  • If your insurer is unable to help you resolve your dispute, try and escalate your complaint to a manager, supervisor, or senior official. Make sure to keep a copy of all correspondence relating to your dispute.
  • Only once you have explored all avenues with your insurer, should you look to referring your case to the Ombudsman.

Should you choose to escalate your complaint to the Ombudsman, as is your right, you may:

  • Contact the Ombudsman by calling 011 726 8900, sending an email to, and filling in the complaint form available on the Ombudsman’s website, at
  • Take your insurance company to Small Claims Court (bearing in mind there is a cost involved) in order to claim for amounts up to a maximum of R15 000.
  • Consult with an attorney for professional legal guidance, and to take further action.

Any insurance queries? Contact iWYZE today!

At iWYZE, our professionally trained consultants are always on standby to answer any insurance questions, resolve any disputes, settle your claims, and provide information and clarification where necessary. So before you take your insurance query to the Ombudsman, contact us first on 0860 93 94 93, and we’ll do everything we can to resolve your dispute as efficiently as possible. As our number one priority, it’s the least we can do.




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